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Letter of Recommendation (LOR): A Game Changer for Higher Education!

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATIONLetter of Recommendation (LOR): A Game Changer for Higher Education!

The Letter of Recommendation provides credibility to your profile and adds a level of trust to the information already shared by you. Sourcing happens through someone in authority who personifies experience from your academic or professional world. It comes with a high-reliability quotient serving the University panel or a potential employer who is introspecting you as a prospect. The letter is usually requested from Professors, Head of Departments, or Reporting Managers who know you and worked long enough to give a comprehensive insight into your personality. The beauty of LOR lies in not saying the obvious as already mentioned in resume or SOP but in demonstrative perspectives and endorsing qualities via it.

LOR – From who and how?

It does not harm when you nurture and retain the relationships or rapport from college or your organization, as the legacy of connecting helps you move forward in life. When the time comes to spill some good beans on you, they will gladly do so. Firstly choose who you would like to approach or seek permission from to draft it on their behalf. It must be the one who knows you or can annotate your strengths with a simple recall. Convincing or securing a nod to go ahead will not be an uphill task if the intent is genuine and the facts portrayed are authentic.

Letter of Recommendation for Masters will offer a sense of pride for any professor to see their student acing in the best University. Even a Manager through a Professional Letter of Recommendation will be happy to carry forward the good deed. Especially, for all the services you have rendered in the past. Hence is no rocket science to say that parting must be on an amicable note in life. Once you have them on board, take the initiative to draft it as per your requirement. Meanwhile, assure them of getting back to them for their seal of approval.

The LOR – In making!

A good beginning would be a crisp introduction that explains the relationship between the recommender and you and the duration for which you have known each other. It needs to project you with a personality with infinite zing and enthusiasm as a student or professional. It should be touched upon on your initiatives, participation, achievements, and contributions with specifics and examples where deemed fit. Expressions in the letter must align with the expectations of the intended University or employer. It enables the panel to acquire a clearer picture of what motivates you and sets you higher in the league.

It needs to extend beyond the classroom scores and credentials. And take them through how you work in a group. How you navigate through a difficult situation, how you added value to a particular project. It is also something that endorses your character and value system. Professional help and hiring Content Writing Services to write your LOR is the way forward, as they have decoded the power to express your qualities, keeping it domain-centric and character-centric. Also, when you are drafting on behalf of a credible authority, it is your utmost responsibility to keep it error-free and grammatically correct.


Letter of Recommendation usually is restricted to 300 to 400 words unless specified. Otherwise, depending upon cases like if asked from a project guide word limit extends due to detailing. At most 500 words LOR considered (specific cases) the highest word limit to restrict the whole LOR to one page only. Being the Best Content Writing Company in India, our writers at Content Euphoria are deft with words to send the message across within the confinement of word limit.

With a clear-sighted vision and extensive research on the University or employer, we embrace creativity and substantiate your qualities. We set the tone, dazzle the letter with optimism and talk about your exceptional competencies, talent, and leadership skills. Be it Academic or professional LOR or sometimes even for an internship, scholarship, or personal purposes like for rentals or club memberships, our team is adept in handling Creative Writing to perfection. We can relate your past credentials with future potential and portray your strengths in the most effective ways.

Some Heads Up!

  • The Letter of Recommendation for Student or professional needs to go on the official letterhead of the signing authority, wherein you studied or worked. Therefore it is advisable to ensure the person you are approaching is still keeping a role at the same organization.
  • Send your resume to the recommender for a quick recap and recall of the academic batch, projects done, and responsibilities handled.
  • Seek permission to share the mobile number or email id of the recommender.
  • Avoid very generic and to the point LOR. The recommender may be short of time, and that is precisely the reason you offer to draft on their behalf.
  • Depending on the number of LOR asked, create new ones for each, showing diligent self, leadership qualities, and team skills in different ways.
  • Try and stay away from bragging, as it will only weaken your case. Back up every claim with facts or reasons.
  • Keep every example or project and case brief yet cover all the crucial aspects.
  • Incorporate relevant terms and jargon from the job description or the eligibility criteria for the course applied.
  • It certainly helps to discuss the potential and plans of the candidate.
  • Enthusiastic tone, active voice, and an error-free letter will hold the attention of the decision-maker longer.
  • Proofread, review and adhere to deadlines by all means.

Above all, be the person who is worth their time and trust. Do not forget to send a thank-you note when you receive the letter as requested. Approved, signed, and sealed by the authority. It is a rare chance for the person to be a part of your success story for life or the foundation of your career. More than you, it is a pleasure for them to do their bit.

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